Donations / Charitable Giving

To make a donation or pledge, you can donate by credit card using our secure donation form on this page, or download the pledge form below and send it to the museum.

Additional ways to contribute:

  • memorial gifts in memory of a loved one, or to honor a special occasion
  • securities donations – gifts of stocks, bonds, and other securities can be of benefit to our programs and provide you with tax advantages
  • planned giving – naming the museum in your will or estate plans, including charitable annuities/trusts, life insurance, and retirement plans
  • employer matching gifts – matching gift programs can increase the value of your donation

If you would like to make a donation in one of the above ways, please contact Debbie Benson, Museum  Director at 760-375-6900

If you have included the Museum in your will, trust, or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy please notify us of your gift.  We would like to thank you and find out how you would like your gift used.

Contact Us About Charitable Giving

If you have any questions of would like more information, please contact Debbie Benson, museum executive director at 760-375-6900, at 760-375-6900.

If you have included the Museum in your will, trust, or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy please notify us of you gift.  We would like to thank you and find out how you would like your gift used.