Museum Director’s Notes
By Debbie Benson, Director
“All at once, summer collapsed into fall.” — Oscar Wilde
I feel a certain gratitude for days where there are fewer fires filling our eyes and throats with the smoke and ash. It seemed that August had notifications each day. It is good that some of those big burns are showing the work of constant work done by the firefighters. I am grateful for the firefighters and their work. Please take care and check on roads and pass ability if heading out.
September is the month when we hold our Annual Fundraising Dinner Auction. We hope to see you there! Tickets are on sale on our website and in the Museum Store. It’s a fun event and we have a chance to be with friends and bid on some interesting items! It’s always a good time!
I hope you have a chance to come by the Museum and see our displays. The Soaring and the ARTifacts displays are not permanent, so if you have a chance, it’s worth the visit! We do have some talented and interesting people in the Indian Wells Valley! It is great fun to be inspired by the artifacts and by the artworks themselves.
At the Museum we are watching the growth of our solar field and the changes it will bring as we work towards its completion. The Solar Committee and Sidewinder Solar are working together to get the most from our field. Many thanks to all!
Enjoy these first reminders of cooler days and the beauty to be found around us. We are better together and we hope to see you come in for a visit, a walk around the garden or to volunteer! Thank you for everything you do to support the museum and for your time!
Remember the Bricks! The new walkway through the garden that leads to our new curation building makes the garden accessible to our visitors. If you are interested in buying an engraved brick that will enhance the walkway the information is on our website and in the Museum Store.
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