I told someone today that I was ready for a bit of sun, even while knowing that soon there will be plenty of it to go around. This has been an interesting winter and a more wet spring than we’ve seen for a while. The Museum grounds are greening and our garden volunteers have spent much time with rakes and hoes to keep it from getting out of control. The cooler weather has kept some of the flowers held back a bit but this too will happen soon enough!

The rains have also made sure we know of every repair or adjustment that needs attention. We have volunteers who are helpful and resourceful in fixes, repairs and installations of safety features. They are also more than helpful with many improvements and the research that goes along with it.

The change of seasons also brings many guests into the valley as they travel to some of our featured landscapes. Our Museum Store staff and volunteers are helpful with making sure they have information and helpful narratives about travel. With the changing weather this is even more important to our visitors as it often includes travel tips in a shared conversation.

Many aspects of the Museum are dependent on the volunteers who keep it functioning and moving forward. If you would like to try something a little different and be a part of the volunteering please come by and talk to any of us and find out why it matters. There are a variety of skills needed every day and many of them are learnable and interesting. Contact us at info@maturango.org or come by.

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