Spring is the source of much activity due to warming and longer days. This is true in and around the
Museum as well as the truly great outdoors. It’s been a fun year to take a wildflower book out and allow
some book-learning out in the hills.

Here at the Museum we a working on many projects. Some are quick fixes and others are of a more long term nature. So much depends on the abilities of our members and volunteers who are most gracious with their time and energies as we work to keep up the stewardship of our Museum. As most non-profits know, it is the volunteers that make the difference. What I hear most often, is that these marvelous people don’t always know they are just what we are looking for! Maybe you like to talk to people about local travel, or you are interested in IT and computers, or perhaps you like to help with construction or art projects. Maybe you just like to help when needed. That is good too. You are appreciated and we welcome your enthusiasm. Come see us sometime! Be well!!

Please find our May 2023 Newsletter below

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