Museum Director’s Notes

Debbie Benson

“April WindsDid you ever think the sun could turn cold?
Do you ever miss the freedom of the sand between your toes?… Joe Brooks

     Again, as I write of April, the desert wind is my companion. A kite seems a likely resource as I watch the greening become more intense after the spitting cold of March rains and recent snows in the upper altitudes. I am watching the smallest of wildflowers bloom in the neighborhoods, along roads and paths. Some of the plants have been blooming for months. The evening desert primrose, with its waxy yellow flowers has been blooming for months and is trying to grow a topknot of leaves. The pincushions are waving in the winds much like small flags demanding some attention. Perhaps there is truth in the thought that wind makes each plant stronger as each does seem quite resilient. These are not weeds, they are native plants and we celebrate them! I have some optimism that our Annual Wildflower Exhibit will have many blooms for the enjoyment of all. The care and attention that goes into this exhibit is what makes it an event worthy of note and the time spent by all involved. We hope you can visit during the weekend of April 5-7 and hear some of our speakers as well.

   At our Annual Meeting in March we offered our heartfelt thanks to Dave Kurdeka for his time on the Board of Trustees. He is a Docent and still on some committees so his input will continue to be enjoyed. At the same time, we welcomed Patty Wharton to the Board as we continue our work at the Museum and within the community. Our Annual Report can be found in the Newsletter section on our website.

   I appreciate the success of our Second Saturday events and other events the docents and our affiliates provide for the community. Bringing families and individuals to participate in these activities is a great way to strengthen the bonds within our community. I also thank the people who participate in the garden and property clean-ups; a worthwhile way to promote involvement in an activity that beautifies and benefits us 

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