April 2024 Newsletter

Museum Director’s Notes

Debbie Benson

“April WindsDid you ever think the sun could turn cold?
Do you ever miss the freedom of the sand between your toes?… Joe Brooks

     Again, as I write of April, the desert wind is my companion. A kite seems a likely resource as I watch the greening become more intense after the spitting cold of March rains and recent snows in the upper altitudes. I am watching the smallest of wildflowers bloom in the neighborhoods, along roads and paths. Some of the plants have been blooming for months. The evening desert primrose, with its waxy yellow flowers has been blooming for months and is trying to grow a topknot of leaves. The pincushions are waving in the winds much like small flags demanding some attention. Perhaps there is truth in the thought that wind makes each plant stronger as each does seem quite resilient. These are not weeds, they are native plants and we celebrate them! I have some optimism that our Annual Wildflower Exhibit will have many blooms for the enjoyment of all. The care and attention that goes into this exhibit is what makes it an event worthy of note and the time spent by all involved. We hope you can visit during the weekend of April 5-7 and hear some of our speakers as well.

   At our Annual Meeting in March we offered our heartfelt thanks to Dave Kurdeka for his time on the Board of Trustees. He is a Docent and still on some committees so his input will continue to be enjoyed. At the same time, we welcomed Patty Wharton to the Board as we continue our work at the Museum and within the community. Our Annual Report can be found in the Newsletter section on our website.

   I appreciate the success of our Second Saturday events and other events the docents and our affiliates provide for the community. Bringing families and individuals to participate in these activities is a great way to strengthen the bonds within our community. I also thank the people who participate in the garden and property clean-ups; a worthwhile way to promote involvement in an activity that beautifies and benefits us 

Please find our April 2024 Newsletter below

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2023 Annual Report

Maturango Museum 

2023 Annual Report 

We have completed another year for the Maturango Museum. We could not have done so without all who volunteered their time and skills. We are trying to prepare the museum for the future with projects that will reduce our costs, and continue to provide our community with lectures, field trips, concerts, children’s events, historical and current videos of our desert. 

You can find the entire 2023 Annual Report Here

March 2024 Newsletter

Museum Director’s Notes

Debbie Benson

Dear March – Come in, How glad I am, I hoped for you before, Put down your hat, You must have walked, How out of breath you are —  Emily Dickenson

   As we enter a time of seasonal change, the greening of our hills and the blooming flowers, though somewhat unusual, remind us of the living that has been carrying on all winter. One cannot help but feel that change is now on the move. The early flowers that cannot seem to wait, are giving us the energy to appreciate and enjoy them. I enjoy seeing our gardens come to a greater activity as the lizards spend more days in the sun as the sand and rocks become warmer. The plant life under the care of our garden volunteers, shows us daily how pleasant it is to walk through the paths. The occasional cottontail silent under a creosote and our attendant hummingbird sitting at the very top of a desert willow. The work done by the volunteers is worth so very much and is appreciated by all.

   We have work we continue to do, both inside the museum and out, and we appreciate the support and donations from our membership to ensure they happen. We have so many positive irons in the fire right now and it is the membership that makes it happen. We also appreciate the work of the docents and volunteers to put on events to support and encourage families to come visit. This is for our community and its visitors and we are glad to be able to share.

   On March 23 at 3 pm we have our Annual Membership meeting. Hope to see you!

   Be well, take care, and enjoy the Spring vistas!  

Please find our March 2024 Newsletter below

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February 2024 Newsletter

Museum Director’s Notes

Debbie Benson

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” Helen Keller

There are times I question if February, much like January 2024, will be a bit confusing as to what season it is. After a winter that did not, as of yet, hold us in ice for a time, there are plants that have bloomed and already seeded from the heavy rains last summer. We’re already enjoying waist-high mustard plants that have thick stalks and dark rich leaves. It’s all very interesting but does raise the question of the coming activities of spring growth. We are optimistic about the wildflowers!

Here at the Museum, it is good to see the work done to keep our gardens ready for the coming warmer seasons and many weeds cleared. A great job was done on the last clean-up but the request was made to come to pull weeds when possible or join us on February 2 at 10 am-12 noon to celebrate Groundhog Day and help clear the grounds. Either way, the help is always appreciated!

This is an active time of year when we start planning more outside tours and activities. Please watch our website and check out our events. If planning some outings of your own and would like some ideas on where to go, we have information and books in the Gift Store as well as some great advice. Make sure to have your photo-taking device charged and ready; there is much to see!

March 23 at 3 pm. will be Maturango Museum’s Annual Meeting. We will be meeting in person at the Museum. Next month we will publish more information about this event but we hope to see you there! Thank you for your help and support for these many years and your belief in the importance of what we do and contribute to our community. You make all the difference. We hope you will have a chance to stop by and see.

My best to you all!

Please find our February 2024 Newsletter below

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January 2024 Newsletter

Museum Director’s Notes

Debbie Benson

“Kindness is the connection that links us all together and strengthens the bonds within our communities, neighborhoods, and families.” Rosalynn Carter

As we leap into 2024 there is that moment of silence when we remember the generosity shown to us. The kindnesses that have helped us through to this day. We open our calendars to see this next year of days. We will fill them with the activities of living with those around us. This year gives us that extra day to fill with care for our family and friends and for ourselves. It may be a walk in the beautiful outdoors or possibly volunteering for something you believe in. It brings up the thought of how to spend that extra 24 hours in 2024. It’s very possible it could be more fun than you think!

Thank you to each person who volunteers for and helps the Museum in any way possible. As a local non-profit who is not supported by any governmental entity, you are the ones to make a difference not only to the Museum but to our community of neighbors.

Happy New Year! Be well, be safe, and take care. Our best to you all!

Please find our January 2024 Newsletter below

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Winter in the Sierra Nevada Mountains above Ridgecrest, CA by Cheryl McDonald

December 2023 Newsletter

Museum Director’s Notes

Debbie Benson

Traveling for the holidays brings those we care for closer for a time. One of the greatest gifts being the discovery of new adventures. The directions sometimes being as simple as, turn left at the sign and drive until you find peace. The drive itself becomes part of the discovery. 

Coming home gives that sense of familiar return and the thought of places one could give a visitor.  Directions to exploration, experiences filled with amazement and perhaps unexpected peace. 

Our best to you during this final month of 2023. Thank you all for your care. On to a New Year!

Please find our December 2023 Newsletter below

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November 2023 Newsletter

Museum Director’s Notes

Debbie Benson

   November brings us the first real hints of winter and thoughts of thankfulness and the celebration of gratitude. I was reminded by one of my sons that we are so often thankful for what is expected. Not always noticing the small things and how much they do count. So often living within lives is not something we think of with gratitude. It too is part of the expected that often, in retrospect, is full of our treasured moments. For this month of Thanksgiving, I am hoping for us all, many of those small moments that do literally count, and many hidden and often unexpected places of understanding and joy. I appreciate each person who through messages and actions of care show all of us at the Museum, and our neighbors, a reason to hold you in gratitude.    Thank you. Our best to you!

Please find our November 2023 Newsletter below

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October 2023 Newsletter

Museum Director’s Notes
Debbie Benson

“The clear light that belongs to October was making the landscape radiant.”  Florence Bone

October, with its cooler mornings and shorter days, gives us all a sense of excitement as we gather more and participate in the Autumnal activities. It’s the time when gardens can give their last bloom without shriveling from excessive heat and sweaters can come out of the closet. I think we are ready.
It’s exciting to get ready for the Open Studio Tour. I admire each of the artists and their willingness to share with our community of art lovers. I hope to go to each studio and to see many of you there!
A fun aspect of the cooling weather is the opportunity to get out and hike a bit or take a pleasant drive. It’s a perfect time to spend with those you enjoy out in nature. The rains in August made some changes in the landscape and there are many plants blooming as if in a hurry to take advantage of the moisture and create seeds. We have a selection of the local BLM information and maps in our Gift Shop as well as other traveling information.
We have had so many great events this last month and are looking forward to more. We are grateful and so very happy for the chance to see so many of you and hope to continue on! Thank you all of for your support and friendship!
Our best to you all. We are better together.

Please find our October 2023 Newsletter below

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September 2023 Newsletter

Museum Director’s Notes
Debbie Benson

Every time we find the words to express thanks and gratitude to the people who support us in our mission, we are again overwhelmed by generosity. In our Matching Funds Appeal we are pleased to let you all know that, combined, the funding was over $34,000. We did not even imagine we could reach our goal and it is only through you that this could happen. This keeps the doors open, the lights on and our programs intact for the children, families and visitors to our community. Many thanks from all of us!
We would like to welcome our new Members, Life Members and Business Members. We appreciate all of our members and your continued care and support every day. You make this Museum possible. We have a few events upcoming that we hope you may enjoy!
We do hope to see many of you at our Dinner Auction. There will be some fun, great food and marvelous company!
When you come to see us at the Museum, enjoy the Museum that you are a part of!

Please find our September 2023 Newsletter below

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