Museum Director’s Notes

Debbie Benson
“May offers the genesis of our creative rebirth, unfurling the tapestry of genius with each step
we take…” ― Dr. Tracey Bond
One of the aspects of the Museum environment that involves decisions made in the past and our entering the future, are our permanent displays. We changed our flow pattern when we went through our expansion over ten years ago and rethought some of what we understood to be important. Our process continues. This last Friday we had an outstanding event that included Museum staff, volunteers, friends and family as the acrylic case was installed around the Paleontology Display. Along with a group of our volunteers who have worked for some time on this project, we had the pleasure of working with some of the workers from Sidewinder Solar as a 300-pound acrylic case was negotiated from the back of a transport trailer, through an entryway, through exhibits and into location for installation. While it did have a test install and a few redoes, it was hung and set in place in a matter of hours. It is a beautiful display and provides information about the extinct Pleistocene giants in our valley. Please come see it in person if possible! Sherry, our Natural History curator, who led this project, and the people who devoted time, energy and thought have much to be proud of. We are all thankful and proud of what came together. I’m sure more information will come in the future but we all wanted to share a bit now!
The flowers are still coming into bloom and there is much to enjoy! There are desert inhabitants out as well; use your eyes, ears and camera to share their habitat, but please let them be. Our best to you All!

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